Unsettling the Settlement Act: Land Conflict in the Past and Present on Vancouver Island (Black 2017)

TITLE: Unsettling the Settlement Act: Land Conflict in the Past and Present on Vancouver Island

AUTHOR: Kelly Black

DATE: 2017

DESCRIPTION: Video presentation for BC Studies journal

EXTRACT: “In 1883 the provincial government attempted to bring an end to speculation and debate about the transcontinental railway on Vancouver Island. Through the introduction of the Settlement Act the government intended to settle the question of the where and on what terms a railway would be built. The Act created the massive Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway land grant, referred to as The Great Land Grab by the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group, and generated legislation, court cases, and public inquiries that lasted decades…”

ACCESS: Free online access here


An Archive of Settler Belonging: Local Feeling, Land, and the Forest Resource on Vancouver Island (Black 2017)


Reframing Indigenous Territories: Private Property, Human Rights and Overlapping Claims (Thom 2014)