The Great Land Grab: Settler Colonialism, Real Estate, and Commuter Rail on Vancouver Island (Black 2018)

TITLE: The Great Land Grab: Settler Colonialism, Real Estate, and Commuter Rail on Vancouver Island

AUTHOR: Kelly Black

DATE: 2018

DESCRIPTION: Academic blog post originally published on BC Studies website in two parts, reproduced on Black’s personal academic website in its entirety

EXTRACT: “After years of questionable service and maintenance, it’s time to get serious about retaining the E&N rail corridor for future rail service. It is well past due, however, that we take seriously the colonial legacy of the E&N Railway. When it was first completed in 1886, the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway transformed transportation and access to markets on Vancouver Island…”

ACCESS: Free online access here


The Need to Reform BC’s Private Managed Forest Land Act (Benoit et al. 2019)


An Archive of Settler Belonging: Local Feeling, Land, and the Forest Resource on Vancouver Island (Black 2017)